do you like stories and anecdotes as well as terrific food at the same time? if so we have the perfect event for you!
we cook on site a dinner with multiple courses for you and your guests. between the courses you listen to stories of
brave heroes, wild huntsmen, unhappy dictators, goddesses and christmas angels.
all these truths and untruths are told by story teller and lyricist roswitha menke.
the antique shop is perfectly suited for these inspiring stories. surrounded by art and kitsch you can feast and listen wonderfully. a guaranteed enjoyable evening!
group size
individual adaptations
non-binding inquiry
minimum 12 people
as long as you like
in the antique shop or anywhere else
g, e
starting at 100 chf, depending on menu
menu and stories are adapted to your wishes
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unternehmungen der chillfood ag
copyright © 2013-2017 by chillfood ag bern, riedbachstrasse 341, 3020 bern